Egitto Incontri un uomo - Alexandria, Iskandariyah - hosni144

hosni144 ha 44 anni, uomo single dall'Egitto e vive in Alexandria, Egitto.
hosni144 vorrebbe chiacchierare con una donna assomiglia a lui.
Alexandria - Egitto
My lady: You are the essence of all poetry and the flower of all freedoms. It is enough for me to spell your name until I become the king of poetry and the Pharaoh of words it is enough for a woman like you to adore me so that I enter the h
Cosa mi aspetto dall'altro
My lady: You are the essence of all poetry and the flower of all freedoms. It is enough for me to spell your name until I become the king of poetry and the Pharaoh of words it is enough for a woman like you to adore me so that I enter the h

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