Egipto Citas hombre soltero - Agouza, Jizah - fars1

fars1 tiene 55 años, hombre solo de Egipto y vive en Agouza, Egipto.
fars1 quiere chatear con una mujer que se parece a él.
Agouza - Egipto
Hello my friend, I don't really believe in online dating, but I do believe in fate) Who knows, maybe here I will meet exactly the person who was born for me) I don't need to write " Hello, how are you?.” I'm so tired of texting everyone “Hello, okay, how are you?”);) You can write to me right away, like you, without waiting for this question) Just tell me more about you and your Goals here, maybe it will be interesting to continue the conversation) I An elegant Egyptian sports journalist for a s
Lo que espero del otro
Hello my friend, I don't really believe in online dating, but I do believe in fate) Who knows, maybe here I will meet exactly the person who was born for me) I don't need to write " Hello, how are you?.” I'm so tired of texting everyone “Hello, okay, how are you?”);) You can write to me right away, like you, without waiting for this question) Just tell me more about you and your Goals here, maybe it will be interesting to continue the conversation) I An elegant Egyptian sports journalist for a s

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