Egipto Citas hombre soltero - Bilbeis, Sharqia - ahmed1400

ahmed1400 tiene 25 años, hombre solo de Egipto y vive en Bilbeis, Egipto.
ahmed1400 quiere chatear con una mujer que se parece a él.
Bilbeis - Egipto
I am a man Cultured and humble I love
romance and honesty single I am here for love and respectable wife I work engineer I love Play football continuously
I love reading and good books I am from a large and respected family I love my family very much and I want a girl who shares everything I love Because it will be my wife and my love and everything in my life If there is one who believes in the miracles of love in my heart, there is an answer
Lo que espero del otro
It does not matter age and appearance But important mind, maturity and mutual respect In the end we are here for the love and trust that leads to marriage I want women to be what they want and not what people want For those who love honestly do not care about the opinion of others

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