Reino Unido Citas hombre soltero - Sheffield, Yorkshire and The Humber - zlodej

zlodej tiene 37 años, hombre solo de Reino Unido y vive en Sheffield, Reino Unido.
zlodej quiere chatear con una mujer que se parece a él.
Sheffield - Reino Unido
I have a strong and caring personality. Do what is right even if it does not feel good, or it might not be appreciated. I here for a wife which will give me children. I am protective of people around me.
I do not panick in stressful situations, being more likely to take charge when something happens and keep dealing with issues untill solved.I want children soon. Have been thinking about fostering, but I am too bad at cleaning to have kids on mine own.
Love walking or running in the forest
Lo que espero del otro
Wife material, more at home at home then on a party. Ready to become wife and mother.
Prefer softer personality. I value effort more then skill. Dependancy on me is a big plus.
Not lazy or feminist

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