Egipto Citas hombre soltero - Zifta, Gharbiyah - shaban55

shaban55 tiene 27 años, hombre solo de Egipto y vive en Zifta, Egipto.
shaban55 quiere chatear con una mujer que se parece a él.
Zifta - Egipto
My name is Shaaban, I work in silk printing. He has skills, in the Department of Chemistry, for example, in the manufacture of printing inks, detergents and cosmetics, so looking, for scholarship to study overseas engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering.
Lo que espero del otro
I want a girl, outer beauty is not the most important thing, but more importantly is the inner beauty. I want a girl who knows the meaning of married life and be able to build a family. Yes, I am looking for a woman who appreciates marital life and no problem with age or appearance.
I want a good wife. The qualities that in most people, is the beauty of the soul, not the beauty of the body, although the body beauty of women only required in one case, Attractive look her husband.
I like to wake u

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