Siria Citas solteras - Arihah, Idlib - sharon092

sharon092 tiene 29 años, mujer solo de Estados Unidos y vive en Arihah, Siria.
sharon092 quiere chatear con un hombre que se parece a él.
Arihah - Siria
Hello . My name is Sharon. this is not so easy, to describe myself in a few word. I have a good sense of humour . I am honest , sincere, fit. I don't drink ( but I like fun) and do have other ways of letting my hair down ) I don't Smoke, every now and then. Love affection giving and getting , eLike to kiss. Like good food , coffee. Wkd away. Don't know if I m creating a image of my self . Bu I m happy to answer any quests you have. I have never been married. But I think it could be a very good
Lo que espero del otro
Hello . My name is Sharon. this is not so easy, to describe myself in a few word. I have a good sense of humour . I am honest , sincere, fit. I don't drink ( but I like fun) and do have other ways of letting my hair down ) I don't Smoke, every now and then. Love affection giving and getting , eLike to kiss. Like good food , coffee. Wkd away. Don't know if I m creating a image of my self . Bu I m happy to answer any quests you have. I have never been married. But I think it could be a very good

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